Events & A4G
A4G is very thankful to all the (following) associations which truely understood the charity work we are doing and collaborating with us.
As we always say:
“Together, we can do more good”.

Düsseldorf Tamil Sangam e.V:
A4G will be there at this Diwali event of Tamil Sangam!
Come, enjoy the full day event and also visit our stall.
Big thanks to ‘Düsseldorf Tamil Sangam e.V.’ for inviting A4G to their event.
Unfortunately, due to unexpected reasons, A4G could not attend the event. We hope to be there at the next their event.

Indian Independence Day Celebrations
As last year, IAB invited us to be part of the Indian Independence Day celebrations. Its an honor to be part of IAB celebrations to meet the guests from Indian consulate, Bonn Mayor office and UN delegation.
A4G setup a Charity Stall and raised good amount of charity donations. Also UN delegation was interested in inviting A4G to their future events. A4G will work in this direction to present, more formally, A4G work to UN delegation.
A4G also prepared hand made gifts, which were presented by IAB, to the chief guests from Indian consulate, Bonn Mayor office & UN office.

Ruhaniyat - A Musical Evening
A Nice way to relax on a Friday evening, with Sufi, Bhajans & Ghazals!
A4G setup a Charity Stall and and met good number of like minded people and also raised charity donations by selling few artworks.
A4G also prepared two hand made gifts, which were presented by DIG, to the artists Anandita Basu & Debasish Bhattacharjee.

A4G's first event - 'Sound Waves'
Finally! A4G organized it’s first event ‘Sound Waves’, with relatively small, but very composed audience. Some of the performers are very famous and others are ‘very locals’.
This event is also supported by DIG-Bonn (as they always did, by supporting A4G project itself).
Special thanks to ‘Parashiva Murthy’, ‘Rachit Gupta’ & ‘Sree Ram (A4G founder/volunteer)’ who put all pieces of this puzzle together!
As usual, we setup the art stall and raised charity donations to ‘Aarti-Home’. Our volunteer Ambika and her husband were there at the stall.

Düsseldorf Telugu Sangham - Sankranthi celebrations
A big thanks to Düsseldorf Telugu Sangham for inviting A4G to be part of their Sankranthi event.
Like last year, A4G will started the new year with their support and raised number of donations (by selling artworks) to orphan children in India.

A4G on WDR channel (German media)
German media WDR-Bonn telecasted the news about DIG (Indo German Society) members meet (on 60th Anniversary) where A4G was introduced and future plan were discussed.
Click here to view the video (our news starts at 19:00 on the time scale)

Cologne Telugu Vedika e.V:
"Vinayaka Chaviti Celebrations"
Cologne Telugu Vedika e.V.(CTV) is celebrating Vinayaka Chaviti and we requested then to allow us to setup a stall. A4G is very thankful to CTV for accepting our request.
Due to unexpected reasons, our volunteers couldn’t attend the event and setup the stall.

Indian Association Bonn e.V:
"Indian Independence Day"
IAB (Indian Asocial Bonn) celebrated Indian Independence Day with Chief guests from Indian consulate from Frankfurt, and A4G was there.
Thanks to IAB, for inviting us to show our presence. Our young student Selcy took the responsibility of introducing A4G to all the guests by reading out a short speech. And, she did it very well.
IAB Also purchased two (Mahatma Gandhi & Subhash Chandra Bose) artworks and gifted them to chief guests.
People made donations and taken some of the artworks displayed and we also met people from other Bonn associations.

NRW Kannada Koota e.V.:
Vasanthotsava 2023
Thanks to Kannada koota e. V. for allowing us to be there.
Our young Volunteer Punya went on stage and introduced A4G to everyone present there.
Our art class student Sanjitha supported us at the stall and also displayed her artworks to promote charity.
Our other volunteers Sree Ram & Sona did cover the main work associated with the stall.
This event again proved that, together, we can do more good!

Telugu Society Duesseldorf - Sankranti celebrations
A4G is very thankful to Duesseldorf Telugu community, for the invitation and also for introducing A4G to everyone at the event. Our volunteers has a nice time there, and equally important, raised a good amount of charity donations to Aarti-home ( )

Indian Association Bonn e.V.:
Diwali event
IAB (Indian Association Bonn) war bei der Sneham-Veranstaltung anwesend und freute sich sehr, die gute Sache, für die A4G arbeitet, zu unterstützen. Sie luden uns zu ihrer Diwali-Veranstaltung ein. A4G ist dem IAB sehr dankbar dafür, dass sie unsere schöne (und auch sinnvolle) Reise begleitet haben. Wir hatten auch die Gelegenheit, Frau Dr. Ursula Sautter, Bürgermeisterin von Bonn, zu treffen, die uns auch sagte, dass sie von A4Gs einzigartiger Art, Hobbyarbeit in Wohltätigkeitsarbeit umzuwandeln, beeindruckt ist und sofort eine Spende an Aarti-Home (Waisenhaus in Indien) machte und die Kunstwerke, die ihr gefielen, mit nach Hause nahm!

Sneham e.V. - Diwali Event
A4G erhielt im Oktober 2022 zum ersten Mal die Gelegenheit, an einer indischen Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Wir sind Sneham e.V. (South Indian Association Bonn, ) sehr dankbar für diese Gelegenheit. Das Interesse der Menschen an der Arbeit von A4G hat uns sehr ermutigt.
Sneham ist die erste Vereinigung, die Wohltätigkeit in ihre kulturellen Feierlichkeiten integriert. Wir hoffen, dass dies nur der Anfang von vielen weiteren Kooperationen nach dem Motto "gemeinsam können wir mehr Gutes tun" ist.