A4G Volunteers

Ami Parekh
Hi everyone. My name is Ami Parikh.
I grew up in the vibrant state of Gujarat, India, and now I am settled in Leverkusen, Germany.
Professionally, I am a software engineer, but at heart,
I am an artist with a lifelong passion for various art forms. From a young age, I've been captivated by the world of art, and in my free time,
I immerse myself in creating Mandalas, Dot Mandalas, Pattern Art, Texture Art, Boho Art, and Lippen Art.
For me, creating art is more than just an expression; it's a deeply meditative process that allows me to connect with myself and the world around me.
I am incredibly grateful to Art-4-Good for giving me the opportunity to use my art to give back to society and contribute to the greater good.
I firmly believe that every small act of kindness can create ripples that lead to a wave of positive change.
I invite you to explore my work and join me on this journey of creativity and compassion. Together, we can make a meaningful impact through the power of art.
A4G Volunteers

Ambika Jhunjhunwala
Hey there! I'm Ambika Jhunjhunwala, living and working in Germany for the past 15 years, originally from Jaipur in India. I am an amateur artist, an ex-Googler and currently working as the Head of IT for Real Estate with the DHL Group.
Art is my first love. I loved to paint as a kid and the affair continues. I love to capture the beauty in everyday things and daily life. I have been experimenting with various media, subjects and styles. If you are looking for art to add a little beauty to your personal spaces, I do hope you find something that you like.
I also strongly believe in giving back to society, and it would be incredibly fulfilling for me to utilize my art for that purpose.
If you're interested in seeing more of my artwork, you can check out www.burntinsienna.blogspot.com (link below)

Gokulakrishnan Sivakumar
Hello, I'm Gokulakrishnan Sivakumar, a software developer originally from India, now calling the vibrant city of Cologne, Germany, my home. By profession, I delve into the intricacies of code and technology, contributing to the dynamic world of software development. During my free hours, you'll find me immersed in the creative realms of literature, crafting short stories and poems that reflect nature and our daily life experiences. My dream? To transition from lines of code to frames of emotion as I aspire to become an independent filmmaker.

Harini Shetty
Hi, I am Harini Shetty. I am from Hyderabad, India. Currently living in Wesseling, Germany with my family. For me Painting is like an other world, it's a stress buster I should say. It makes me feel so happy and independent. I am happy to be here as a volunteer and support A4G in all the ways I can.

Vasudha Guddeti
I am here to support my husband (A4G Volunteer), Sree Ram, in setting-up/managing A4G stalls, when other volunteers are not available .

Sanjitha Madala
Hello! I'm a voluteer of A4G, Sanjitha Madala. I was born in 2010. I am presently staying in cologne, Germany. I absolutly recommend you donate and own a charming art piece. I believe art is everywhere and you are a unique art piece yourself. I will stay by A4G's side and I'm lucky to be a part of it.

Hemalatha Jonnavithula
Hallo, mein Name ist Hemlatha Jonnavithula aus Hyderabad, Indien. Ich bin Hausfrau und interessiere mich für Skizzen und handwerkliche Arbeiten. Da A4G eine der Organisationen ist, die sich für eine edle Sache einsetzt, freue ich mich, mitmachen zu können und versuche, mein Bestes zu geben.
Herzlichen Dank!
J Hemalatha

Punya Mahesh
"Für mich ist Malen nur eine andere Art, ein Tagebuch zu führen"
Hi! I am Punya Mahesh, age 16, a Student. I come from India currently living in Ratingen, Germany. Brushes replace pens, I found I could express myself with color and shapes that I couldn’t do any other way 🎨. I am very grateful to be part of Arts4Good and contribute to Aarti for Girls initiative.

Sona Ramachandra
Hallo, ich bin Sona Ramachandra. Ursprünglich komme ich aus Bangalore, Indien, und lebe derzeit in Köln, Deutschland. Obwohl ich von Beruf Ingenieurin bin, hatte ich seit meiner Kindheit immer eine Faszination und Leidenschaft für Reisen, Kunst, Musik und Bücher und liebe es, mich mit indischer Volkskunst und Kalligraphie zu beschäftigen. Es gibt so viel zu lernen und zu entdecken. "Sei unendlich neugierig" ist meine Überzeugung. Ich bin sehr dankbar für diese Gelegenheit, meinen kleinen Beitrag zu Arts-4-Good zu leisten. Arts-4-Good ist nicht nur ein wunderbares Medium, um Kunst und Künstler zu feiern, sondern auch eine großartige Möglichkeit, Initiativen wie Aarti for Girls zu ermutigen und zu stärken.

Anvesh Jandagudem
Hallo, ich bin Anvesh Jandagudem. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Indien. Ich bin Freestyle-Tänzerin und Teilzeitlehrerin für nicht-klassische indische Tanzformen wie Tollywood, Bollywood und Bhangra. Ich glaube, dass jeder tanzen kann und der beste Weg, mit deiner Seele zu tanzen, ist zu tanzen, als würde dich niemand beobachten. Ich freue mich darauf, meinen Teil dazu beizutragen, dem Aarti-Home zu helfen, indem ich mich freiwillig für A4G engagiere. Du kannst mich auf Instagram finden.

Sree Ram Thodeme (Founder & Volunteer)
Hobby Fotograf, Künstler & Kunstlehrer
An Engineer, with a heart for arts. Born, brought-up, studied & worked in India. Now working and living in Cologne (Germany).
Photography, pencil sketching, water(/Acryl) painting are his hobbies. He loves to teach drawing. On behalf of A4G, he does photo-shoots, take art classes & gives away his artworks, when people agree to make donations to Aarti Home, a non-profit working for disadvantaged children.
You can visit his hobby works, by clicking the following icons.